SSFS 3 Participant Profile – Sun Dapeng 孫大鵬

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Sun Dapeng / 孫大鵬

Suan Dapeng

孫大鵬:聯合鄉建 聯合創始人,A_SH設計工作室(北京見築見造科技有限公司)聯合創始人,資深建築設計師。天津大學碩士,荷蘭大爾夫特理工碩士。國家一級注冊建築師,荷 蘭注冊建築師。2005年參與晏陽初鄉村建設學院和謝英俊鄉村建築工作室聯合開展的生態農宅實驗建構活動,2013年創立A_SH設計工作室,持續關注鄉 村、農業相關的規劃設計建設活動。

Sun Dapeng is a senior architect and a co-founder of Joint Rural Construction and of A_SH Design Studio. He holds a master degree from Tianjin University (China) and a master degree from Technische Universiteit Delft (Netherlands). He is China’s first class registered architect and a registered architect of the Netherlands. In 2005, he took part in experimental building of ecological farm house launched by James Yen Institute of Rural Reconstruction and Hsieh Ying-Chun’s Rural Architecture Studio. A_SH Design Studio he co-founded in 2013 has been watching the event of construction planning related to villages and agriculture.