Hui Po Keung

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Name: Hui Po Keung
Title: Dr.
Position: Associate Professor
Organisation: Lingnan University

He is one of the founding members of the Global University for Sustainability.

Brief profile:

  • Associate professor of the Cultural Studies Department and the Programme Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Liberal Studies Programme (2005-2009) at Lingnan University, Hong Kong
  • His main research interests are education and cultural studies, cultural economy, history of capitalism and markets, and alternative development.
  • Having co-edited the 6 volumes ofCultural and Social Studies Translation Series (文化社会研究翻译丛), jointly published by Oxford University Press (Hong Kong) and Bianyi Chubanshe (Beijing). He is the author of Farewell Cynicism (告别犬儒), Hong Kong Oxford University Press, 2009, and  What Capitalism is Not (资本主义不是什么), Hong Kong Oxford University Press, 2002, Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe, 2007
  • Working on several research and development projects on education reform in Hong Kong


Articles by Hui Po-keung :

Icon of Cultural studies through education: moments of pedagogy and pragmatics Cultural studies through education: moments of pedagogy and pragmatics (86.8 KB) 2008-10-01 作成者: Stephen C.K. CHAN,Hui Po Keung.
Icon of Doing Cultural Studies in the Hong Kong Educational Context Doing Cultural Studies in the Hong Kong Educational Context (152.7 KB) 2011-01-01 作成者: Hui Po Keung,Pang Chak Sang .
Icon of Reflections through a local lens on Muto Ichiyo’s ideas of alternative practices: a Hong Kong perspective Reflections through a local lens on Muto Ichiyo’s ideas of alternative practices: a Hong Kong perspective (182.1 KB) 2013-03-18 作成者: Hui Po Keung,Lau Kin Chi.
Icon of Boredom and fear in the undergraduate classroom: the medium of instruction controversy in Hong Kong Boredom and fear in the undergraduate classroom: the medium of instruction controversy in Hong Kong (394.7 KB) 2015-06-22 作成者: Hui Po Keung.


List of His Publications

Scholarly Books Authored

1. HUI Po-keung, 《告別「懶人」常識:解放的教育和多元文化生活》(Farewell Lazy Common sense – Liberating Education and Diverse Cultural Life), HK: PTU Press, Jan 2008, 168 Pages
2. HUI Po-keung, 《資本主義不是什麽》(What Capitalism is Not), 上海人民出版社, Mar 2007, 349 Pages (This is an updated and expanded version of 《資本主義不是什麽》(What Capitalism is Not) published by Hong Kong Oxford University Press in 2002. Two new chapters and a new introduction were added.)
3. HUI Po-keung, 《富裕中的貧乏香港文化經濟評論》(Poverty in Affluence – Reviews on Hong Kong Cultural Economy), Hong Kong: Stepforward Multimedia Ltd, 2003, 176 Pages
4. HUI Po-keung, 《資本主義不是什麽》(What Capitalism is Not), Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2002, 249 Pages
Scholarly Books Edited/Annotatd
1. CHEUNG W.K., HUI P.K., HO W.W., 《初中綜合人文科研究報告 II(A Research Report on Integrated Humanities (S1-S3) II), Hong Kong: KFCRD Lingnan University., May 2006, 86 Pages
2. HUI Po Keung, CHAN, C.S., 《初中綜合人文科 (IH) 研究報告》A Research Report on Integrated Humanities (S1-S3), Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan U., Dec 2004, 37 Pages
3. HUI Po Keung, LAW W., 《解殖與民族主義》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.3 — De-colonization and Nationalism (in Chinese), Beijing: Bianyi Chubanshe, 2004, 302 Pages
4. HUI Po Keung, HUANG P., LUO H., 《社會學、人類學新詞典》(A New Dictionary of Sociology and Anthropology), Jilin: Jilin Renmin Chubanshe, 2003, 235 Pages
5. HUI Po Keung, YUAN W., 《語言與翻譯的政治》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.6 – The Politics of Languages and Translation), Beijing: Bianyi Chubanshe, 2001, 349 Pages
6. HUI Po Keung, QU-JIN-DONG, 《反市場的資本主義》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.5 – Anti-Market Capitalism), Beijing: Bianyi Chubanshe, 2001, 303 Pages
7. HUI Po Keung, WANG H., 《發展的幻象》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.4 — Illusions of Development), Beijing: Bianyi Chubanshe, 2001, 398 Pages
8. HUI Po Keung, QU-JIN-DONG, 《反市場的資本主義》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.5 – Anti-Market Capitalism), Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China), 2000, 278 Pages, (Beijing: Bianyi Chubanshe, 2001, 303pp.)
9. HUI Po Keung, YUAN W., 《語言與翻譯的政治》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.6 – The Politics of Languages and Translation), Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China), 2000, 349 Pages
10. HUI Po Keung, Lau Kin-chi, Law Wing-sang, Ng Chi-hung, 《社會科學的措辭》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.2 — The Rhetoric of the Social Sciences), Joint Publishers (Beijing), 2000, 292 Pages
11. HUI Po Keung, Lau Kin-chi, Law Wing-sang, Ng Chi-hung, 《學科、知識、權力》Cultural and Social Studies Series No.1 — Disciplines, Knowledge, Power, Joint Publishers (Beijing), 1999, 234 Pages
12. HUI Po Keung, WANG H., 《發展的迷思》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.4 — Illusions of Development), Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China), 1999, 261 Pages
13. HUI Po Keung, Law Wing-sang, 《解殖與民族主義》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.3 — De-colonization and Nationalism (in Chinese), Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China), 1998
14. HUI Po Keung, Lau Kin-chi, Law Wing-sang, Ng Chi-hung, 《社會科學的措辭》(Cultural and Social Studies Series No.2 — The Rhetoric of the Social Sciences), Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China), 1997
15. HUI Po Keung, Lau Kin-chi, Law Wing-sang, Ng Chi-hung, 《學科、知識、權力》Cultural and Social Studies Series No.1 — Disciplines, Knowledge, Power, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China) Limited,, 1996, 181 Pages
Book Chapters
1. HUI Po-keung, “告別犬儒的文化政治—從中學通識的設計和教學看教改的局限和希望”, 香港文化政治, 馬傑偉、呂大樂、吴俊雄 (ed.), pp. 101 -118, 香港大學出版社(Hong Kong University Press), Spring 2009
2. HUI Po-keung, “文化中介的專業化 — 在全球化時代中重譯經濟”, 方法與個案文化研究演講集, 孫曉忠 (ed.), pp. 28 -56, 上海:上海書店出版社, Jan 2009
3. HUI Po-keung, “Populist Politics and Cynical Culture: The Production of Knowledge in Post-1997 Hong Kong”, “One Country, Two Systems”: A Ten-Year Experiment and Beyond, Rose Wu (ed.), pp. 117 -127, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 2007
4. HUI Po-keung, “導言”, 跨界文化教育對談, 嶺南大學文化研究碩士課程、群芳文化研究及發展部 (ed.), pp. 7 -11, 嶺南大學文化研究碩士課程、群芳文化研究及發展部, Jun 2006
5. HUI Po-keung, “(從政治經濟學到文化經濟學)(“From Political Economy to Cultural Economy”)”, 《基督教倫理與經濟商業生活》(Christian Ethics and Economic Life), 張國棟編(Daniel KT Cheung eds.) (ed.), pp. 131 -158, Hong Kong:FES Press, Mar 2006
6. HUI Po-keung, “〈向兒童學習〉(Learning from Children),”, 《螢火蟲學苑綠色教育札記》, 螢火蟲學苑之友 (ed.), pp. 50 -57, 香港:藍藍的天, Nov 2005
7. HUI Po-keung, “誰破壞誰的營商環境(Who Damages Whose Business Environment?)”, 誰出售了香港領匯事件的思前想後, 捍衛基層住屋權益聯盟、公屋商場及停車場租户大聯盟 (ed.), pp. 153 -159, 香港:明報出版社, Nov 2005
8. HUI Po-keung, “In Search of a Communal Economic Subject: Reflections on the Community Currency Project in Hong Kong,”, Remaking Citizenship in Hong Kong, in Agnes Ku and Pun Ngai eds. (ed.), pp. 215 -234, London and New York: Routledge, 2004
9. HUI Po-keung, “〈重思社區: 社區經濟的文化意義〉(“Rethinking Community: The Cultural Meaning of Community Economy”)”, 《批判思考創意教學香港社區教育》Critical Thinking Creative Pedagogy – Hong Kong Community Education, Vol. 1, in 陳潔華編(Chan Kit-wah eds.) (ed.), pp. 141 -170, Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, Hong Kong University, 2004
10. HUI Po-keung, “〈亞洲金融危机與發展主義論述—兼論香港金融地產結构的困局(節錄)〉(“Asian Financial Crisis and Developmentalist Discourse”)”, 《香港經濟:非經濟學讀本》(Hong Kong Economy: A Non-economics Reader), 羅金義、李劍明編 (ed.), pp. 281 -291, 香港牛津大學出版社(Hong Kong: Oxford University Press), 2004
11. HUI Po-keung, “〈締建非典型的經濟生活〉(“The Construction of Atypical Economic Life”)”, 《沙士啟示錄》(SARS “Revelations”), 何芝君策劃(Ho Chi Kwan ed.) (ed.), pp. 89 -102, Hong Kong: Step Forward Multimedia, 2003
12. HUI Po Keung, Giovanni Arrighi, Hung Ho-fung, Mark Selden, “Historical Capitalism, East and West”, The Resurgence of East Asia – 500, 150, 50 year Perspectives, in Giovanni Arrighi, Takeshi Hamashita and Mark Selden eds (ed.), pp. 259 -333, NY and London: Routledge, 2003
13. HUI Po-keung, “The Domestication of Rhetoric — Translating Western Economic Ideology to Hong Kong,”, Knowledge and Discourse: Towards an Ecology of Language, in Nigel Bruce et al. (eds.) (ed.), pp. 189 -203, London and New York: Longman, 2002
14. HUI Po-keung, “〈反市場的資本主義(導言)〉(“Introduction Anti-Market Capitalism”)”, 《反市場的資本主義》Cultural and Social Studies Series No.5-Anti-Market Capitalism, pp.vii-xlv, Hui Po-keung and Qu Jin-dong eds. (ed.), pp. 7 -45, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China), 2000
15. HUI Po-keung, “〈前言:發展、知識、權力〉”Introduction: Development, Knowledge, Power”, 《發展的迷思》Cultural and Social Studies Series No.4 — Illusions of Development (in Chinese), pp.vii-xxxiii, in Hui Po-keung and Wang Hui eds. (ed.), pp. 7 -33, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China), 1999
16. HUI Po-keung, “Comprador Politics and Middleman Capitalism”, Hong Kong’s History, in Ngo Tak-wing ed. (ed.), pp. 30 -45, London and New York: Routledge, 1999
17. HUI Po Keung, Giovanni Arrighi, K. Ray, T. Reifer, “Geopolitics and High Finance”, Chaos and Governance in the Modern World System, in Giovanni Arrighi et al. (ed.), pp. 37 -96, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999
18. HUI Po-keung, “”Post-1949 Development in China: No Social Costs, Revolution or Reform,” (co-writer)”, The Dispossessed: Victims of Development in Asia, Vinod Raina (ed.), pp. 23 -66, Hong Kong: ARENA Press, 1997
19. HUI Po-keung, “〈世界資本主義下的「北進想象」〉’Northbound Imaginary’ in World Capitalist Economy”, Cultural Imaginary and Ideology, in Stephen C.K. Chan ed. (ed.), pp. 115 -125, Hong Kong: Program for Hong Kong Cultural Studies and Oxford University Press, 1997
20. HUI Po-keung, “Post-1949 Development in China: No Social Costs, Revolution or Reform,” (co-writer), The Dispossessed: Victims of Development in Asia, Vinod Raina (ed.), pp. 23 -66, Hong Kong: ARENA Press, 1997
